Friday, August 19, 2016

"Alt-Right Daily" - #BlackLivesMatter Blocking Traffic, Smashing Windows, and Pulling Whitey Out the Car

In this episode of the vlog "Alt-Right Daily," a F.A.M. Network original series, the host RedPill INFJ talks about his difficulties selling #Wiscofags on Trump, the JQ, and even the reality the danger blacks relish in posing to whites.  In an era when chilling raw footage of chimps chimping out is available before said Chimpout is even complete, it shouldn't be so hard to figure out.  Never the less, the lack of exposure to vibrancy leaves many a cheesehead to rely on public school narratives about the fabled Dark Skinned Ones, and this can be very dangerous when, as they say in Ebonics:
And it does get real.  Real, REAL, quick.  Just ask the residents of MKE.

Or that ill-fated BP station.  Or weave salon.
   Stay frosty Mil-Town!,

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Alexander Jahan's Fashy Gainz

All the content that we've shared for daily shoutouts so far have all been podcasts, but I've said from the beginning that the FAM Network will be video as well as audio.  Today, we highlight a YouTube channel named "Fashy Gainz."  Gainz just released a video that starts off with a nice clip from Alex Jahans, better known as the "Get Rid of All the Guns, It's Not Worf It" kid.  He is quite a card and I've been struggling to find the much referenced video of his for awhile, so kudos to "Fashy Gainz" for taking the piss out of this kid and helping me to finally find him.

The video Fashy Gainz critiqued was Alex rambling on incoherently about the "Alt-Right" and himself.  Referencing "The Daily Shoah" by name, Jahan's stammers on.  Apparently, the poor kid hasn't done well at coping with his newfound fame with people who disagree with him on just about everything as well as find him ridiculous, which he really is.  Advice to anyone in the future who find their self in Alex's situtation:

Just take it in stride.

Even if they are laughing AT you, if you're a good sport about it, you can harness the attention and turn it into new subscribers and money if you monetize your content with AdSense or take donations with Patreon etc.  Alex would the a PERFECT "Chateau Autiste" star that we've been missing if he wanted to.  According to Fashy, the guys have been considering getting him on "The Shoah" which I think would be a great idea.  Not everyone that appears needs to be fully versed in 1488 philosophy to make for good radio, and this guy definitely is famous with the Alt-Right for all the wrong reasons and I love it.  I thought it was great to have Tila Tequila on "Fash the Nation" and disagree with the people who were critical of McFeelz for having her on.

Features a blast from the past in the form of an incredibly catchy diddy from "Mario Paint" from SNES.  Although I haven't owned a system since the original X-Box, I do enjoy classic gaming and when a piece of nostalgia is expertly chosen it really sets the piece of content a part.  The video is worth watching for the background music alone.  It's crazy to think of how good at arranging songs for such a simple 16 bit system that were incredible and engaging and not annoying even though the limitations of the technology meant songs had to be very simple as well as repetitive.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Daily Shilling - "Friday Night Alt-Right Fights"

You should see what happened to the other guy!
   ~Famous Late Words

The Dank OC (that's Original Content you druggie degenerate!) for the day is none other than "Alt-Right Fights!"  Now here on the FAM network, we don't normall encourage violence that's not directed at Heebs (we don't encourage that either, infact we go out on a limb to denounce it like a Muslim denounces the latest terror attack), but for Alt-Right Fights, we make an exception.

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

Speaking of fights, does anyone else love the "Cassius Clay" tees that have popped up since that butterfly floatin', bee stingin', nog kicked the bucket this year?  Inadvertently quite triggering to problem nogs, as he specifically changed his name because Clay was obviously the name of his ancestral slave owner.

,.~.,-"`* The More You Know

Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Daily Shill: "Ride the Ligthning" - Ep 9 Part 1

Not only the heavy metal classic, now an Alt-Right podcast for your listening enjoyment.

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

This episode is titled "Trans-Pokemon, Scriptures, and Mysterious Echoes" and we thank the them for their descriptive title.  In addition to these hawt topiks, the boys shitpost about Jehovah's Witnesses, Paris and what a joy the French have in the cultural enrichment that is street-shitting Pac-Man ghosts wearing their illegal burkas at the Eiffel Tower and swimming pools and in line for the welfare office...

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Today's Alt-Right Podcast Shout Out - "Exodus Americanus"


Great podcast not on the TRS lineup, Exodus Americanus brings us a couple of southern boys shitposting about the soft ass Yankees, and whether or not you agree, we all agree that urbanite scum is a plague worth finding a cure for.  Check 'em out on their main site at  They do have some AdSense stuff on their site where they host their podcast, so I don't wanna take any views away from them by including the SoundCloud player directly in this post, but that link will take you to their latest episode just released yesterday as you can see from the screen shot.

If you have a podcast suggestion for tomorrow's shout out, drop me a line on Twitter @SpecialFester

Will to power brah,

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Strategy for The F.A.M. Network

Strategy for the FAM Network

We will have seven podcasts, or possibly a mix of podcasts and YouTube vlogs, the important thing is that these 7 be regularly scheduled contentz that users can tune in to each week, the way that tens of thousands do every week for shows like TRS's flagship program "The Daily Shoah" or their rapidly up-and-coming rival "Fash The Nation."  If any doubt remained among the internet marketing/content creation community about the importance of consistent release schedules for new media the way it's always been done on traditional television for example, TRS has surely removed them.  Many people aren't tech literate enough to use feed readers and many who are, simply are too high-time preference to bother to subscribe to a YouTube channel or Sound Cloud account.  I myself for example, who listens to probably a dozen or so podcasts weekly, listen to every one of my TRS favs by going in and typing in "" into my browser manually, and then navigating from the main page to the Radio section every time.  I also have a feed reader and subscribe to many great YouTube channels, and still the shows I most consistently listen to hands down are the TRS one's that I go to simply because of remembering that it's Tuesday morning or Saturday afternoon for example.  In fact, I think this is so  important, that I'm going to ask the "Big 7" that are going to make it to the official slot for each day, not only release on the same day, they should really shoot for a consistent time, like 8 PM Thursdays for example.

Things like this, keeping to a schedule, and announcing it regularly: "if it's Sunday, it's Fash The Nation!" are really the key to branding.  Giving the viewer, as well as the creator, some simple mental tools to differentiate the content in question.  But don't worry, we will have some flashy (and fashy) logos too fam!

We would ask that any shows that want to be considered "official" members of the F.A.M. network's lineup, to add this badge in the lower righthand corner or something of their YouTube background or their Sound Cloud profile image, etc.  And here I can give an additional example of what branding is all about: lore.  This is especially great since we are a people who like to trigger shitlibs who are already very gullible to begin with, who DESPERATELY want to believe crazy stuff about us.  So we will start a rumor for instance, that the placement of the F.A.M. logo in the lower righthand corner is because:
  1. We are an anti-progressive, nationalist, and therefor "right wing" group, so of course it's the right corner.
  2. The bottom instead of the top right corner, is because of our M.O. of subverting already existing institutions for our purposes, rather than creating new ones.
  3. The location of a "corner" is because we want to relegate (((certain enemies of  ours))) to a tiny, unliveable, corner of society, and not to have full access to public life.

Also, crucial to "making our network a network," is the practice of announcing network membership at logical places during the actual recording of the podcasts.
"I'm Morrakiu, and for, this has been The Merchant Minute!"

Doing this "station identification" type thing sounds great and real official in a way that I'm sure is very triggering to the people that really really don't want our views to seem like they exist outside the heads of a handful of toothless country bumpkins.  I admit, when I first discovered them, I thought "" was a terrible name, but it is actually very very memorable and also offers the ability to be referred to as a 3-letter "call sign" similar to the radio format that our ears are trained to recognize as meaning a legit station.

WBEZ Chicago becomes TRS Radio!  etc.

This is just the tip of the ice(((berg))), but I hope this already is getting some of you goys excited.  Until I hear from some people, I'm just going to be manually searching for good (or at least promising) podcasts and just posting a link to their new episode, possibly with a short blurb or some commentary.  I won't refer to something as being an actual member of the network til they've said they want to be referred to as such.  Then, you're in! Post the badge somewhere or add it to your logo in the corner (or send it to me and I'll do it and send it back to you).  Then identify your podcast as being part of the network in your next episode, or feel free to record a short update telling people that you're now a member of the network if you're that excited about it!  How you do it is up to you, we will figure things out together as we go.  Doesn't have to be perfect.

Get at me on Twitter with any questions, comments, suggestions, or to suggest to me a podcast/YouTube channel to check out, or if you want to join.

  • Be a Part of the Fam!
  • Join the Whitest Fam Since the Brady's!
  • The Fam that Fashes Together, Stays Together!
I could go all day.

This Hour Has 88 Minutes: Episode 4

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Introducing the Fascist American Media Network

You made it, fam.  You made it.  You made it to the new, up-and-coming home for content and media in the alternative and new right spaces online, The Fascist American Media Network (or "FAM" for short).  We will be showcasing the best in alt-right material not already being broadcast on the TRS network.  Check back often, and feel free to message me with any comments, questions, or suggestions on Twitter, @SpecialFester.

Happy Fashing,