Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Who is and Who is NOT "Alt-Right" - A 2 Step Solution

Hey Fashies!  I just wanted to let everyone know that I do still intend on having some sort of daily

 I've just been busy and low agency and have been doing a lot of planning and experimenting and strategizing what the best way to do that is.  We already have so many Google hangout style podcasts which are great, but I just want to do the most good as possible.  But rest assured, it is going down.  Particularly, I am thinking about doing a quick daily rundown of what's on tap in Alt-Right media.  Today for instance, we have:

Millennial Woes - September Review
Alex Jones - Special late night sleepover party for Assange
RamzPaul - Hungary Ref. Good vs. Bad vid
TRS - The Young Hwytes - Klansman
        -  Daily Shoah E105
Stefan Molyneux - "Why I'm Voting for Trump"
Rebel Media - Lauren Southern becomes a Man
Stormfront Radio - Smokey Mountain Sumit
Right Side Broadcasting - Live Wikileaks Dissapoint
Sh0e On Head - Does some answers
Daily Stormer - Sven Longshanks: Radio Aryan Roundtable "We Rule the Internet"
                        - KulturKampf E31 - Rousseau's Discourses on Inequality

Now, you might have noticed "these aren't all Alt-Right!"  You are correct.  
And depending on how busy a day it is, whether or not we mention certain things will vary.

The way I see it, relevent to be discussed would be anything that is:

  • Alt-Right
  • Alt-Light
  • Allies
  • Enemies

Now who is "Alt-Right" and who is "Alt-Light" is very straightforward.  To be "Alt-Right" requires you to check two boxes:

  1. We're not smug.  We don't purity spiral.  
    The requirements are minimal, but 
    Some sort of race realism, HBD, ethnonationalist, white identity, etc. 
  2. J.Q.
    Addressing the Jewish Question frankly, admitting the amount of Jewish influence and that they use it against whites and that their predisposition to parasitism and subversion is largely biological.

It's that simple.

A two item list that's not a lot to ask.  Notice it didn't say what one HAS TO BE.  For instance whether one tends toward the Pan-European persuasion or Nat. Soc., or even Paleo-Libertarianism (granted they realize open borders are a non-starter because Libertarianism is inherently hu-white) doesn't preclude their being "Alt-Right."

"...I've grown to love this fellowship that is the Alt-Right.  And it is a fellowship."

Nor does it demand subscribing to a particular "answer" to the Jewish Question.  Whether one is of the belief that simply waking whites up to Jewish influence is enough, because they will naturally remove them more and more from positions of influence in our lands and start to leave for Israel the more hostile attitudes towards Jews become, or whether one is to the right of Hitler, believing that ONLY global extermination of all Jews can ever rid the world of the cancer, citing historic tendency of Jews to always weasel their way back in (thanks Lauritz V. G.) that is all up for philosophical and tactical discussion in the fellowship we call the Alt-Right.  But at the very least, one must actively acknowledge that there is a substantial problem with subversion and degeneracy unique to Jews, and that even the "NAJALT" Jews rarely condemn the problematic behavior of their co-ethnics, in the same way that even though "not all Muslims are like that" when it comes to terrorism, nearly all terrorists ARE Muslims, and nearly all Muslims implicitly (so implicit!) support or sympathize with terrorist Muslims.  

To say "it's not a problem with Jewry!" is as absurd as "it's not a problem with Islam!"  In this way, John Derbyshire although certainly a fellow traveller, clearly misses the bar and then some. 

"I'm not an anti-Semite, and I don't have much time for those that are!" 
~John Derbyshire on "Radio Derb"
Not Alt-Right.


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